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Maze Solving Equations Activities

Below you will find many Maze Solving Equations Worksheets to use with your Algebra 1 class. Be sure to scroll down and check them out after reading the lesson.

Why Use Solving Equation Maze Activities?

Let's face it, when you are teaching your students to Solve Equations it can get really boring really fast. As teachers we have to find ways to practice solving equations without losing our students to boredom. There is only one way to get good at solving equations and that is to actually solve equations!

Solving Equations Teaching Tips

The best way to do that is not to give them 1,000 problems on a boring sheet of paper to solve. You have to keep them interested by giving them activities that have an end goal of something other than just to get the answers to the math problems. You will want to give them things like these Maze Activities on Solving Equations.

They will give your students a goal of solving the maze but the only way they can do that is to get the right answers on the math problems in the solving equations maze activities.

Keep The Students Engaged

The absolute hardest thing to do as an algebra 1 teacher is to keep your students engaged and wanting to learn more math!

These activities will help you keep the engagement level up during this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT unit on Solving different types of Equations in Algebra 1.

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Maze Solving Equations Activities

Solving One-Step Equations

Solving Two-Step Equations

Solving Multi-Step Equations

Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides

Literal Equations and Formulas

Ratios, Rates, and Conversions

Solving Proportions

Proportions and Similar Figures


Change Expressed as a Percent

The Maze Solving Equations Worksheets - Word Docs & PowerPoints

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Don't Forget to Pin these Solving Equations Maze Activities!

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