What could be better than FREE Solving Equations Christmas Coloring Worksheets? Ten of them! We have created 10 Christmas math coloring worksheets for you to use during the days leading up to the holiday break. Therefore you are keep the students engaged while staying on topic.
We all know how difficult it is to keep the students engaged during the few days leading up to break. The best way to combat this lack of effort and focus by your distracted students is to give them tasks that have a greater purpose. Well, at least they think it is a greater purpose.
Allow me to explain.
The Angry Teacher
If I were to give you 100 tests to grade the day before break and told you they had to be done before you left for break. You would...
- Not be happy 🙁
- Not be Motivated 🙁
- Definitely not be very engaged 🙁
- Start to get angry 🙁
- And Most Importantly Your Effort Would Be Awful 🙁
If I were to give you 100 tests to grade the day before break and told you that would would get a CRISP $100 Bill when you completed grading them. You would...
- Be happy as can be to grade those papers 🙂
- Be Motivated to get them done in a timely manner 🙂
- Definitely be engaged and eager to get them done 🙂
- Get more excited the closer you got to the last test 🙂
- And Most Importantly Your Effort Would Be GREAT 🙂
Our Students Respond the Same Way!
If you give them an assignment with a bunch of math problems on it and no bigger purpose right before break they will be unmotivated.
If you give them Solving Equations Christmas Coloring Worksheets then they will not see the activity as just doing math problems. Instead they will see it as a coloring puzzle they have to figure out. So instead of dreading the math problems they will work hard on them and be engaged because they want to figure out the coloring portion of the activity not just the math problems.
The Students See a Bigger Goal with These Solving Equations Christmas Coloring Worksheets
Because their is a bigger goal (in the student's mind)! We know that the important thing is that they are working hard and engaged in completing the math problems. However, they see the goal as "to solve the coloring puzzle". Either way, it does not matter to us as math teachers because we are getting them to do what we need them to do. SOLVE THE MATH PROBLEMS!
Nothing Wrong with Tricking Your Students
Sometimes we have to do things like this to get our students to stay focused. Math can be a tedious and boring class if you let it be. You have to sprinkle things in like this to re-spark their interest.
Solving Equations Christmas Coloring Worksheets
Here are the links to the Solving Equations Christmas Coloring Worksheets as promised. Usually we only give away the PDF files for the worksheets. However, today we are going to give you the editable versions of the documents as well. If you want access to the answer documents you will need to Join the Math Teacher Coach Community!
Solving One-Step Equations Christmas Activity
2-1 Solving One-Step Equations SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Solving Two-Step Equations Christmas Activity
2-2 Solving Two-Step Equations SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Solving Multi-Step Equations Christmas Activity
2-3 Solving Multi-Step Equations SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides Christmas Activity
2-4 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Solving Literal Equations and Formulas Christmas Activity
2-5 Literal Equations and Formulas SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Ratios, Rates, and Conversions Christmas Activity
2-6 Ratios, Rates, and Conversions SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Solving Proportions Christmas Activity
2-7 Solving Proportions SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Proportions and Similar Figures Christmas Activity
2-8 Proportions and Similar Figures SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Percentages Christmas Activity
2-9 Percentages SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Change Expressed as a Percent Christmas Activity
2-10 Change Expressed as a Percent SE - Christmas Color Match Activity (PDF - FREE)
Editable Word Doc Files
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Unit 2 – Solving Equations
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