This lesson on Simplifying Radicals should be extremely simple and always winds up not being because this happens…

Why Do Students Do This?
This happens because the students stop one step too early. They do this because that is how it is taught.

However, if when we teach this lesson we ad one more step like this….

Then the students will understand that when you break down a perfect square the radical symbol is not present any more because the square root of a perfect square is a whole number. NOT the square root of that whole number like in the image.
We all have students that make this mistake!
It is because they do not truly understand what makes a perfect square come out to a whole number. So, take the extra time and do not assume they know or have mastered that the square root of a perfect square is a whole number. Add this one extra step showing them that any radical multiplied by itself comes out to be just the number under the radical.
(This will also come in useful when you teach them they are not allowed to have a radical in the denominator of a fraction and must multiply the fraction by the same radical top and bottom to get rid of the radical on the bottom.)
Don’t Make the Lesson Harder Than it Actually is…
One way to make this lesson exponentially more difficult for your students is to assume they know more than they do. Do not assume they have a mastery of their radical rules (especially multiplying).
Here is a Video Lesson by My Favorite YouTuber Tyler Tarver to Help You Get Started!
Here is your free content for this lesson!
Simplifying Radicals – PDFs
10-2 Assignment – Simplifying Radicals (FREE)
10-2 Bell Work – Simplifying Radicals (FREE)
10-2 Exit Quiz – Simplifying Radicals (FREE)
10-2 Guide Notes SE – Simplifying Radicals (FREE)
10-2 Guided Notes Teacher Edition (Members Only)
10-2 Lesson Plan – Simplifying Radicals (Members Only)
10-2 Online Activities – Simplifying Radicals (Members Only)
10-2 Video Lesson – Simplifying Radicals (Members Only)
Simplifying Radicals – Word Docs & PowerPoints
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